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Supreme Court Kills NE/KS Anti-Pot Legalization Lawsuit

Supreme Court Kills NE/KS Anti-Pot Legalization Lawsuit Mar 30, 2016   Supreme Court Kills Anti-Pot Legalization Lawsuit   The U.S. Supreme Court on March 21, 2016 refused to consider a lawsuit from Nebraska and Oklahoma against Colorado’s regulated sales of marijuana for recreational use, removing a major threat to the multibillion-dollar state-legal cannabis industry. The lawsuit, from…

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Legal Seminar: Post-Merger/Acquisition Data Breaches

Legal Seminar: Post-Merger/Acquisition Data Breaches Mar 29, 2016 MLMW mergers and acquisitions lawyer, John Lonnquist, will be presenting a legal seminar on April 5, 2016: “Post-Merger/Acquisition Data Breaches”. The program is sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association and the M&A Subsection of the CBA Business Law Section. John will be joined by cyber security consultant,…

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Craig Watrous Presenting Our Courts Colorado Presentation

Craig Watrous Presenting Our Courts Colorado Presentation Mar 14, 2016 Denver trial lawyer Craig Watrous will be presenting an “Our Courts Colorado” presentation at Centro San Juan Diego this evening, March 14, 2016 at 6:30.   For more information see: “Our Courts” is  is a nationally recognized program that brings non-partisan informational programs to adult audiences to…

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Colorado Non-Competes in the Sale of Businesses


By: Craig Watrous We’ve written a number of blog posts and articles on the enforceability of non-compete agreements in Colorado.  There’s often a misconception that non-competes aren’t enforceable in Colorado. This is simply untrue. Non-compete agreements are enforceable in Colorado, but they must fall under one of the exceptions in Colorado’s non-competition statute §C.R.S. 8-2-113….

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