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Employment Law

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Employment Law

Operating a business and having employees also means navigating the complex terrain of employment law. Our team of attorneys understands the intricacies of employment relationships, offering comprehensive legal counsel to both employers and employees alike. We strive to empower our clients with the knowledge and representation they need to safeguard their rights and interests and stay up-to-date on State and Federal law. From contracts, PTO, non-competes, employee handbooks, employment disputes, we’re here to help.

How MLMW Can Help with Employment Matters:

MLMW provides exceptional service to employers and employees throughout Denver, Colorado and state-wide. Our lawyers can assist:

Employment and Human Resources

The relations between employer and employee are more heavily regulated and have more potential for conflicts than many other areas of business law. We address the unique aspects of each client’s employment issues and craft customized solutions that ensure compliance with federal, state and local labor laws. Unfortunately, even with well-executed preventive measures, agreements and policies, the threat and occurrence of employee claims is always possible. We help employers identify and manage employment litigation risks. We collaborate with our business clients of all sizes to minimize employment disputes and maximize strategic advantages in litigation.

Whether you’re an employer seeking proactive legal guidance to ensure compliance with ever-evolving regulations or an employee in need of representation, our team is here to provide the strategic counsel and support to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can work with you in the realm of employment and labor law.